Тормыш юлым

slide0001_image002Мин 1950 нче елның 15 нче декабрендә (паспорттагыча, ә чынлыкта 15 нче ноябрендә) Мөслим районы, Түреш авылында туганмын. 1968 нче елда Күбәк урта мәктәбен тәмамлаганнан соң, 1968 — 1973 нче елларда Казан дәүләт университетының татар теле һәм әдәбияты бүлегендә югары белем алдым. Үз теләгем белән Ерак Көнчыгышта 2 ел хәрби хезмәттә булдым. Аннан соң 6 ел дәвамында район комсомол, партия комитетларында эшләдем. 1982 нче елдан Мөслим урта мәктәбенә директор итеп билгеләндем. 1995 нче елга кадәр шул вазифаны алып бардым. Мәгариф өлкәсендәге казанышларым өчен “Халык мәгарифе отличнигы”, 2001 нче елда “Татарстан Республикасы мәктәпләренең атказанган укытучысы» дигән исемнәргә лаек булдым, югары квалификацион категориягә ия. 1995 нче елдан Татарстан Язучылар берлеге әгъзасы. 2007 нче елда “Россиянең иң яхшы кешеләре” китабына кертелдем. Абдулла Алиш (2010), Саҗидә Сөләйманова (2012)  исемендәге премияләр лауреаты. Мөслим районының Мактаулы гражданины. Ике дистәдән артык китабым дөнья күрде.


группа  группа 1  группа 2группа 3  группа 4Университетта укыганда да музыкадан аерылмадым. Татарстан телевидениесендә чыгыш ясаган вакыт.1970.Мине курайда уйнарга өйрәткән укытучым Карл Мөхат улы Әхмәтов хатыны табибә Римма ханым белән. 2013 ел.


Ахметзянов Музагит Загитович

Родился 15 декабря 1950 года в д.Тюрюш Муслюмовского района. Окончил историко – филологический факультет Казанского государственного университета.
Чемпион района по легкой атлетике.
Проходил военную службу на должности командира взвода на Дальнем Востоке. В настоящее время майор запаса.
Свой трудовой путь начал учителем татарского языка и литературы.
Директор школы – 13 лет.
Отличник народного просвещения РСФСР, Заслуженный учитель Республики Татарстан, занесен в энциклопедию “Лучшие люди России”.
Избранные должности: секретарь райкома ВЛКСМ, инструктор райкома КПСС, делегат съезда народов Татарстана и различных конференций, депутат Муслюмовского Селького поселения. Почетный гражданин Муслюмовского района.
Член Союза писателей Республики Татарстан.
Лауреат премии Союза писателей и министерства культуры Республики Татарстан им. Абдуллы Алиша . Лауреат преми им. Сазиды Сулеймановой.Автор более 20 книг (стихи для детей, посвященные истории родной деревни, школ, изучению арабской графики…) Книги “Очты, очты…”,, “Умный рассудит…” заняли 2, «Медовое лето» 3 место в республиканском конкурсе “Книга года”. Несколько раз стал лауреатом среди профессиональных писателей в республиканских конкурсах по различной тематике. Присвоено Почетное звание “Учитель – наставник” детской газеты “Көмеш кыңгырау”.
Член народного фольклорного ансамбля “Муслим тугайлары”, где играет на народных музыкальных инструментах. Лауреат многих конкурсов и фестивалей.
Фотограф, кинооператор(имеются много фото – киноматериалов, отражающие историю деревень, школ, интересных людей и природы района, Республики)
Победитель Третьего Республиканского конкурса “Социальный портрет пожилого человека Татарстана” в номинации “Учитель, именем твоим…”
В свободное время занимается чтением и переводом книг по арабской графике, составляет родословное древо родных и близких, сочиняет тугры (символы людей и родов).
Ветеран труда.

Мөҗәһит абый биографиясе

Мөҗәһит Әхмәтҗанов 1950 нче елның 15 нче ноябрендә Мөслим районы Түреш авылында туа. Башлангыч белмне ул үзләренең туган авылында ала. 4 нче сыйныфны тәмамлагач,  укуын   5 чакрым ераклыктагы Күбәк урта мәктәбенә йөреп дәвам итә. 5 – 6 нчы сыйныфларда ул “Яшь ленинчы” (“Сабантуй”) газетасы, “Ялкын” журналлары белән языша башлый.Газета битләрендә үзенең хәбәрләрен, исем – фамилиясен күрү аңа шатлык китерә. Түреш авылында үзеннән 4 яшькә өлкәнрәк булган, инде танылып килә торган шагыйрь һәм гармунчы Харрас Әюповның, Галиәскәр Камал театрында эшләүче популяр артист Наил Әюповларның булуы аңа тагын да дәрт һәм илһам өсти. Мөҗәһит абый гармунда  да уйнарга өйрәнә. Югары  сыйныфларда ул мәктәп күләмендә чыга торган стена газетасы “Комсомол прожекторы” редколлегиясе составында да була.Үзешчән сәнгатьтә катнаша башлый.Рәсем, фото сәнгате белән дә мавыга. 5 нче сыйныфтан башлап көндәлекләр алып бара башлый.“Сабантуй” газетасы белән актив язышканы өчен, аны Казанга яшь хәбәрчеләр слетына чакыралар. Ул анда күренекле әдипләр, гармунчылар белән таныша.Мәктәптә укыганда ук, аның гарәп язуын, үз нәселенең шәҗәрәсен беләсе килә. Бабасы Мирзашәехтән ул язуны өйрәнүнең беренче күнекмәләрен ала, нәселе турында бабасы белгәннәрне язып калдыра.Аны сыйныф, мәктәп кенә түгел, авылдашларының тормышы да кызыксындыра. Ул алар турында район газетасына даими рәвештә язып тора башлый. Мөҗәһит абый спортны да ярата. 10 нчы сыйныфта вакытта ул район буенча үткәрелгән җиңел атлетика  ярышында катнашып, йөгерү буенча “Район чемпионы” исемен алу бәхетенә ирешә.Әле  шул елларда гына татар халкының яңа уен коралы буларак уйнала башлаган, композитор Ифрат Хисамов тарафыннан ясалган  курай белән кызыксына һәм анда да оста итеп уйнау серләренә төшенә.Урта мәктәпне тәмамлауга , инде аның уе билгеле – Казан Дәүләт университетының татар теле һәм әдәбияты бүлегенә укырга бару була. Барлык имтиханнарны да “5” ле билгеләренә тапшырып, 1968 нче елда ул шул уку йортына кереп укый башлый. Татар теленең  һәм әдәбиятының серләренә төшенү белән бергә ул университетта оештырылган татар хорына, уен кораллары ансамбленә йөри.Коллектив белән республика районнарының күбесендә була, хәтта Санкт – Петербургка кадәр барып җитәләр. Җәй көннәрендә оештырылган фольклор экспедияләрендә ул сәхнәне үз итә: баянда, курайда, кубызда, мандолинада уйный, авылларда йөреп, халык авыз иҗаты да җыя.Мөҗәһит абый студент вакытында ук Казан шәһәренең төрле  дәрәҗәле сәхнәләрендә чыгыш ясый, дипломант, лауреат исемнәренә лаек була.1973 нче елда ул университетны тәмамлый һәм, үзе теләп, Совет Армиясе сафларына Ерак Көнчыгышка  хезмәт итәргә китә.Анда кинога төшерү сәнгате белән шөгыльләнә. Бу шөгыле аңа гомере буе тынгылык бирми. Ике елга сузылган хезмәттән ул 1975 елда туган районы Мөслимгә кайта һәм тормыш иптәше Бания Әхмәтҗанова белән Үрәзмәт авылында балалар укыту эшенә керешә.Озак та үтми, аны район комсомол комитетына икенче секретарь итеп сайлыйлар. Комсомол, партия органнарында 6 – 7 ел эшләгәннән соң, ул кабаттан мәктәпкә директор булып кайта. Лаеклы ялга кадәр ул балалар укыту эше белән шөгыльләнә.Бүгенге көндә Мөҗәһит Әхмәтҗанов лаеклы ялда. Җәйләрен туган авылы Түрештә умартачылык белән шөгыльләнә, иҗат итә, үзешчән сәнгатьтә катнаша.Аның үз сайты бар. Ул анда төрле яңалыклар, Мөслим районының күренекле шәхесләре турында мәгълүмат туплап бара.

Рәхим итегез!

(сайтка чакыру)

Ишекләрем ачык һәр кешегә,
Минем йортка рәхим итегез!
Танышырсыз күңел дөньям белән,
Байлыгымны күреп китегез.
Мактануым түгел, күңлем ачык,
Рухи азыгым да җитәрлек.
Сандыгымда булган байлык белән
Сезне генә кунак итәрлек.
Туган җирем белән танышырсыз,
Нәсел шәҗәрәмне белерсез.
Үз кулларым белән иҗат иткән
Тугра, шәмаилләр күрерсез.
Уен коралларым, китапларым,
Тезелешеп, сезне көтәләр.
Бер төймәгә генә басу кирәк –
Рәхәтләнеп уйнап китәрләр.
Илле еллык тарих мизгелләре
Туктап калган, тын да алмыйлар.
Киләчәк буынны яки сезнең
Кереп күрәчәкне аңлыйлар.
Наил абый, Зифа апалар да
Кайберләрегезне танырлар.
Рухлары бәлки шатланыр да,
Җырлый – җырлый каршы алырлар.
Якташ язучылар һәм шагыйрьләр –
Алар миндә бар да тереләр.
Үзләренең иҗат әсәрләрен
Җырлап яки сөйләп бирерләр.
Галимнәребезнең янына да
Рәхим итегез дә керегез.
Хезмәтләрен күреп сокланырсыз,
Канәгатьләнер һәрберегез.
Данлы, шанлы якташларым әнә
Җыелышып матур урынга,
Гәпләшәләр туган ягыбызның
Якты киләчәге турында.
Шигырьләрем укып юанырсыз,
Табышмакларымны чишәрсез.
Авылымның һәр йортына кереп,
“Харрас чишмәсе” нә төшәрсез.
Теләсәгез барлык мәчетләрне,
Имамнарын хәтта күрергә,
Онытмагыз “Бисмилла”гыз әйтеп,
Алар янына да керергә.
Иске язу белән кызыксынсаң,
Өйрәнергә аны теләсәң,
Тешең үтә башлар Коръәнгә дә,
Хәтта бер хәрефен белмәсәң.
Әйдә, кил син миңа кунак булып,
Җитте сиңа эшсез утыру.
Рәхәтләнеп кабул итәм сине,
Адресым шул: “muzagit.ru”

My native land (Шундый туган як)

Summer is green.

Winter is white.

Our native land

Is so bright.

Autumn is yellow

As the gold,

As the fire

And it isn’t cold

What is spring?

Many colours,

Many flowers.

Spring is bright.

Am I right?

I want to be a soldier ( Солдат буласым килэ)

If I were a soldier

And stand on the border,

I wouldn’t sleep then,

I’d defend the homeland.


If I were a soldier,

I would be very glad.

I want to be a soldier

To protect my land.

Akhmetzyanov Muzagit Zagitovich was born on the 15th of December, 1950 in Turesh (Muslyumovski district of Tatarstan). He got a primary education in his native village. Then he studied at a secondary school in the village of Kubiak. In 1968-1973 he studied at the Faculty of Philology and History of Kazan State University. In 1973 — 1975 he served as an officer in the Far East. He began his career as the director of Urazmetevsk high school. From 1975 to 1982 he was the second secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol and instructor in the District Party Committee. From 1982 to 1995 he directed in Muslyumovsky high school, where he worked as a teacher of the Tatar language and literature.

MuzagitZagitovich — writer, who devoted all his literary works for children Min sanarga iranam» , «Matur bulyk», «Karga burany», etc. He is also known to readers as the author of textbooks (‘Kunel nury,» 1994 » Old Tatar script based on Arabic script «, 2001) , as well as a historical sketch of his native village . Muzagit- Excellence in Public Education, Honored Teacher of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 2010, for the book » Aniem kanatlary» he was awarded a literary prize of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Writers’ Union of Tatarstan A.Alish . Since 1995 — a member of the Writers’ Union of Tatarstan.



MuzagitZagitovich is the author of many collections of children’s poems, among which the most popular are the books “Min sanarga iranam”, “Matur bulyk”, “Karga burany”,“Ochty, ochty…”. It should be noted that the book “Ochty, ochty…” (2002)“Akyllyga suz attem” (2005) received the second prize in the competition «The book of the Year.» «Kunel nury» — an indispensable textbook for those who wishes to learn the Arabic script . And the book» MinemTurush » contains a lot of information about the history, current state, residents and natives of this village. By his 55th anniversary the poet has released another book, «Wings of the mother.»

Muzagit Akhmetzyanov is not only a teacher and poet with a capital letter, but also an active participant in cultural and social events in the area and throughout the country. He can play many musical instruments. He is the head of children’s creative literary circle. He is a photographer, a filmmaker. The most important and valuable thing is that he is a tutor for the young generation.

Impossible to imagine the folk ensemble » Myslim tugaylary» without him. «Amazingly talented man!» — Neighbors say about him. “Kindness, beauty, purity of soul — that his life companions”.

Muzagit Akhmetzyanov — a member of the Writers’ Union of RT since 1995 Excellence in Public Education of the RSFSR, Honored teacher of RT. He also is awarded with many diplomas, letters of thanks.


Chapter 2.1


The children’s poetry is a kind of indicator of the general state of spiritual and cultural development of the people and society. It is a complex, diverse and at the same time is a system, in which the rich human experience of many generations is concentrated.

Since its inception, children’s literature served for parents and educators as the instrument of care and education, and for the child it was a friend and teacher of life. Large educative and educational tasks have been assigned to children’s poetry in our time. They did not lose its relevance, but also takes on particular significance in relation to changes in the spiritual life of a society in transformation processes caused by economic and political changes in our country, and with changes arising in the orientation of spiritual values.

This part of my work is devoted to disclosing children’s poet skills of Akhmetzyanov Muzagit Zagitovich — his language resources in creating the poetic text. Studying and highlighting the expressive language and style tricks, you can see how a true poetry, and true poetic text is created, how lexical- semantic, phonetic and grammatical and other language resources are used.

Like other artists of speech Sh.Galiev ,R.Valieva , R.Minnullin in his work, Muzagit Zagitoviz uses metalogical and autologous techniques . Metalogical technique: words and expressions are used in their figurative meanings. Area of children’s poet metalogical expressions is extensive, it contains such stylistic figures as comparison, metaphor, epithet, hyperbole, etc. The autologous reception represents achievement imagery by use of words and expressions in the literal sense. In a poetic text, these techniques are often combined with each other in aesthetic representation of reality so as to create imagery.

Object of research — poetic texts of the children’s poet Akhmetzyanov Muzagid Zagidovich, is an important figure of Tatar children’s poetry II half of the XX century.

Poetic language of the writer is rich in diverse pathways (metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, irony, metaphor epithet comparison)

Muzagid Zagidovich occupies a special place in Tatar literature. His poetry is attractive because it creates a certain state of mind: innocence, sincerity, spontaneity, not through declarative statements, and through images, metaphors, melodic lines, the rhythm of the verse.

Muzagid Zagitovich — great children’s poet, he is a worthy successor of creativity for children. . The poet is able to speak with young readers as equals and without any morals. The heroes of his poems are not aware of their shortcomings and are not corrected immediately after the first words of the elders. Author trusts in mind and ingenuity of young readers, believes that they will be able to draw conclusions from reading.

In his poems there is not a lie, embellishment of reality. As already noted , the most correct assessment of the poet — is the ratio of its readers, and in this case the most sensitive , the most demanding of them — children. It is safe to say that the poems of Muzagit Zagitovich have become an integral part of the spiritual lives of our children. Kids learn by heart his poems with great pleasure. His poems are good and light, give hope and optimism.

Analyzing in general terms the writer’s work, it should be noted that his works are aimed at education of the younger generation, the formation of spiritual and moral values; they are as close as possible to the child’s life, their spiritual world. The creativity of Muzagit Zagitovich takes a significant place in contemporary children’s literature and the literary process of the second half of the twentieth century.

Creativity of Muzagit Zagitovich occupies a special place in the modern Tatar literature.

Recognized poets and writers about his poetry:

He has his own world, school, and children. His poems dedicated to school children. In his poems we see smiles of school boys and girls. He continues the tradition of children’s poetry.

Robert Minnullin

In his poems we feel the warm breath of another person. This is the teacher‘s breath. It can not be ignored. In the behavior of his main characters, in their relations to the nature, to the life we see the words and attitude of the teacher. This unity can only show a man who is both a true poet and a real teacher…



Muzagit Zagitovich has become the pride and glory of Muslumovo.

His talent he inherited from his parents. It becomes apparent that the talent can be passed down from generation to generation.

Parents, family, teachers, favourite writers, books and certainly strong character, talent are factors which influence the formation of a successful creative personality.

I did a survey of students (5-9grades)and found out that Muzagid Zagidovich is well-known among the students of Lyceum as a children’s poet. 90% of respondents know him as a children’s writer and read his poems. The most popular books are “Min sanarga iranam”, “Matur bulyk”, “Karga burany”,“Ochty, ochty…”.


My interview


Part 1


When did you write your first poem?

What was the reason for writing your first poem?

— My first poem I wrote when I was in 6th grade. It was about the fall season. Taking a walk in the woods I saw the beautiful landscape, I could not capture that feeling.

— Did you show someone your first poem?

— Of course, I showed it to my teacher. After all, it was she who taught me to love poetry, love my country and my people.

— As a child, were your poems published somewhere?

— My first poem was published in the newspaper «Iasi leninche» For

me it was a complete surprise. I sent it to the newspaper, but did not expect

that it would be published.

— In what year was your first book published and how it was called?

— My first book was published in 1995, called «Min sonarga yaratam »

— Your poems are very bright, vivid and it is a pleasure to read them.

Where do you get the images?

— First of all, I’m a teacher. There are many children around me every day: naughty, funny. Well, I wanted to write about them!

— Muzagit Zagitovich! Do you write your poems sitting at the table,

pondering every word or words come suddenly?

— Of course not. Inspiration can come even at night, it occurs unexpectedly, than I grasping at a sheet of paper or a pen. And only then

all this is being finalized.

— Muzagit Zagitovich , besides his hobbies , what else do you enjoy?

— I love to be in nature, photograph, film and video camera;

I love to play different musical instruments.

— What do you value most in people?

— Honesty and integrity.

— What would you like to wish the students in our class?

— Be kind, love their motherland. Each child has a talent, so

develop it and achieve their goals. Be happy!


Part 2


1. Muzagit Zagitovich you play various musical instruments. What’s your favorite musical instrument?


— My favorite intstrument — accordion. Harmonics are divided into 3 types: Talian , Saratov , dvuhryadka . First I learned to play the accordion, then at dvuhryadke Saransk and harmony. My father and grandfather also played the accordion. My father played the Saratov accordion. Then in 1965 I started to play the Kurai , which I got from the composer Ifrat Khisamova , which he made himself. It is called a flute. When I was a student, I was the only one who could play the Kurai . As soon as they saw me playing an instrument, I was invited to play at the final concert in the Opera and Ballet Theatre. After which students have become interested in my conservatory tool. Many asked to teach them to play it . It was very interesting to watch them. We recently went to the program «Sing» and there is one participant played the kurai. I try to play all the possible tools. I also have a violin, mandolin.


2. What music do you like?


— I love the Tatar folk melodies. I cannot choose certain. Wherever I go: to school or other places to meet, I always take a Kurai. Kurai is very convenient for travel.


3. You are a very creative person. Is your talent inherited? Who were your parents?


My father served in the army. Only 9 years later, he returned to his homeland. His profession- an accountant. My mother -a housewife. My cousin Vasil Akhmetzyanov- composer, music teacher. I wrote a book about him. His songs are performed by singers such as Ilham Shakirov.


4. Who is your idol?

Harras Ajupov played in our village. He also wrote poetry. He is an example for me. After all, everyone needs a man to whom he would like to look up to. I think that he told me which way I should choose (the poet).


5. How many children are there in your family?


-I am the eldest child in the family. I have a younger sister Alphiya and the youngest brother Camill. They also engaged in creative work.


6. What can you say about your sons?


My youngest son is in the folklore ensemble of Ildar Faizrakhmanov. They travel around the world. Another son works in the administration and the third– in the bank. They also can play the accordion, and kurai. I and my grandchildren were in the program «Let’s sing.» My grandson, who is in the 4th grade, is able to play the Kurai and the accordion, I try to teach my grandchildren all what I can.


7. Your site has a lot of different images, photos .


Yes, in the fourth or fifth grade , I started practicing this art . I ordered a camera and got it. There were 36 shots . Through each frame I had to turn the film. Once it so happened that this film was broken. Then I wrote a letter to the plant, with a request for help. So I drew a broken part of the film. After 20-25 days I received a letter . The packaging was very dense , it appears that there was the new film. I was very pleased to receive a new film , I continued to take photos . I always carry a camera. It is very compact and easy to use . My son Aidar also involved in this .


8. What do you most like to take pictures?


I love to photograph nature and unusual phenomena occurring in it..Not everyone can understand the true meaning of photography.

I am fascinated by the fact that I restore my family tree. I am a member of the club «Sүnmәs dәrt.»


9. For what purpose did you create your site?


In my site I can spread the information necessary to others. Here I put photos, documents, the results of my work


10.Whom are you grateful to?


I would like to thank everyone: fellow countrymen, my teachers, and children. Also grateful to those who ask me for help, because the person gets better when he helps others. I am grateful to the people who make comments to me, they point out my shortcomings. I correct my mistakes and become better.


— Thank you, Muzagit Zagitovich . We also wish you health, happiness and success in your hard work.

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